Painting Dead Stuff

apartment of Simon Mraz, the Austrian cultural attaché in Russia and director of the Austrian Cultural Forum, 14.11.2017

(cardboard, acrylic, oil)

This is not abstraction, it’s realism. It shows a piece of rotting meat. What I like about this work is that death and decay turned out to be so decorative. Cardboard was chosen not only due to financial circumstances, but also because I like the fragility of this material. And in general, the theme of fragility attracts me. Death doesn’t scare me, but I am not inclined to romanticize it. But it scares me when something or someone breaks down, ceases to carry on its function in the world of goods and becomes unnecessary for society. A thing, an animal, or a person – all thrown into the trash if they break.

In this situation, I worked in the interior and with the interior, so that is why I used meat, fish, and flowers.

See all pictures here in the 2017 section